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06 March 2004 6:37 P.M.
Hmmmm, so I haven't updated in a little bit. I've been busy finishing a paper for a conference I'm going to this coming weekend in Portland. I'm nervous about present the paper, as I've never given one before, er, at a conference at least. I'm excited to go up, cause I'm going to Eugene to see a couple of my best friends from high school. It should be a good time.

This past Thursday night I was at a bar with several other of my friend from my department, and we were talking about what was going on in Iraq when this girl came up to us and asked us if we were in the military. We told her we were not, and that we were a bunch of grad students. She appologized for interrupting our "little Black Panther group," but she thought we were being disrespectful to people in the military by being critical of the war. This lead to a 15 minute or so discussion/argument in which we defended our views on the war. She was very annoying to argue with, because she would just dismiss our arguments as "our opinion." Even on things such as historical facts (no, saying that World War II began in 1939 is not an "opinion."). It was a rather annoying exchange, all around. And pretty random, too, as the bar we were at is usually a very friendly place. Oh well.

I voted this past Tuesday in the California primary and used a touch-screen machine. I thought about demanding a paper trail for my vote, but it wasn't the fault of the volunteers at the polls, so I didn't. I'm still apprehensive about using them, given the security concerns involved and the campaign donation patterns of the companies that make the machines.

Well, that's enough for now. Time to go play some guitar.


Current Music: Belle and Sebastian - Asleep On A Sunbeam

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