keystone kops
18 July 2003 11:23 A.M.
Wow, updating two days in a row. Amazing.

So, the New York Times had a piece today about how the administration is considering cerating a new private security force, composed of appx 3,000 Iraqi people (mostly former soldiers) to releave U.S. trooops from guarding pipelines and other such items. According to the article, Kroll Inc., a "well-known private security consulting concern" would aid the occupation authority in screening applicants.

I'm all for reducing the burden on US troops, but it should be done by bringing in the U.N. and spreading the burden taht way. Especially, since U.S. troops are suffering daily ambushes.

Unfortunately, it looks like our CEO-in-Chief is once again rewarding his cronies rather than pursuing good policy.


So, I actually did some dissertation work today. Amazing, really. It should be my top priority right now, but it's been the last thing I've been thinking of for the past year. The key, I think, was that I got out of the house. That way, I couldn't check every 15 minutes for sports updates, gaze at my email waiting for anyone to write me, or stare at AIM waiting in vain for M. to log on. As a result, I was able to concentrate on my work. I need to make this my routine, I think. (n.B. I'm not blaming M. for me not getting work done. That's 100% my fault.)


Hilary, from

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