depends on your definition of WMD
19 July 2003 8:56 A.M.
3 days, 3 updates. Go figure.

Saw this in a NYTimes piece this morning.

"Not since President Clinton urged his interrogators to define the word "is" have so many people in Washington debated a simple declaration by a president, which turned out to be anything but. Mr. Clinton was discussing his personal behavior, however indiscreet; Mr. Bush was talking about the security of the nation."

This isn't exactly saying "Bill got busted for lying about a blow job, and Bush has been gettting off scot free for continually lying." But I think that's the subtext to what they're saying. Not that I think Bush should be impeached (I mean, he deserves it, but it'd be better just to defeat him in November 2004), but hopefully if this double standard is pointed out to enough people, Bush's support will plummet.

We can only hope.


Threat rating: High. The Bush administration is
concerned that it may not get a second term.
Therefore, we are going to change the rules so
that each Democrat vote only counts as 0.2
votes because Democrat is a shorter word than

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