use your illusiU.N., disc 1
16 April 2004 10:18 P.M.
So, the President finally decided to bring in the U.N. in Iraq. That's a good step. What's annoying, however, is how the press has been discussing the effect of this on Kerry. As if it's Kerry's problem that Bush has shifted to support Kerry's view. I mean, policy differences are important, but shouldn't the way decisions are made matter as well? Bush is being drug kicking and screaming to the U.N., whereas for Kerry the U.N. would be important from the beginning. Why isn't the press saying, "gee, this sure seems to imply that Kerry's way of thinking about national security is better, overall, than the ad hoc Bush approach to allies." Oh well, the horse race continues and this political junkie stays tuned in.


Current Music: Spoon - June's Foreign Spell

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