end of finals, finally
13 December 2003 3:42 A.M.
hmmm, full day, I suppose. Went to school . . . did some work. Had lunch with M. at Jimmy Carter's Cafe (yummy) after she finished her finals, hung out for a bit, drove to LA with M. to pick up her good friend MM. I like to drive my car fast, and I like chatting with M., so picking up MM with her is not as goofy as D obviously thinks it is. We made super good time, so I was back in time for hookers and coke night with S and C and others. No, there was neither hookers nor cocaine, buit L and S were having ladies' night out, so we had to do something to balance things out. Of course, without a lady of my own anymore, hookers and coke night has much less meaning. At any rate, we had beers at the Aero Bar before returning to chez moi for a rapidly degenerating game of asshole. It was fun, but bed time is soon. Tomorrow, M. is coming to hang out and we're going to bake my grandma's amazing rolls and make chocolates to give to people for Christmas gifts. Assuming, of course, that we don't eat everything before giving it out. Ok, it's almost 4 AM, so time for me to pass out.


Current Music: Death Cab for Cutie - Lowell, MA

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