dr. yellow pepper
23 November 2003 8:09 P.M.
So, I'm sitting here drinking a Red Hook Amber Ale and eating the veggie lasagne I made for dinner, and as I looked at my food, I realized something. I really like orange and yellow peppers. Granted, I usually eat green peppers, and am a big fan of them, but the orange and yellow peppers I get always seem to be much more perfect looking. Like, their flesh is always firmer, almost to the point of looking like plastic. Not that I like to eat plastic, but they just look so perfect. Maybe there are green bell peppers that have that same look, I dunno.

This is a strange entry, I realize. And I'm sober, so who knows where it came from. Maybe because this is the first food I've eaten all day.


Current Music: Rainer Maria - Spit and Fire

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