call me PAC man
03 September 2003 9:24 P.M.
So, today I did something I've never done before: I donated money to a political campaign, to Howard Dean, specifically. My parents were always active givers to the Democratic Party back in KS, so I grew up helping with campaigns, putting up signs, things like that. I learned at an early age what it meant to live in a Republican state.

But why did I give money now? To this particular person? I mean, the election isn't for another 14 months. I guess I fit the bill of a Dean supporter: young, urban, liberal. But I think that he truely can beat Bush, and that is super important. I gave money to the campaign because I'm depressed about how the radicals in the Republican Party have decided to ignore the basic rules of the game of our democracy. From the 2000 election, to the recall in California, to the multiple redistricting of House districts, the Republicans have show that if they don't win elections outright, they will change the rules to make sure they do. Adam Prezworski (I can't spell his name correctly) descries democracy as the institutionalization of losing. You're willing to accept losing in the present period, because you believe that at the next election you have a legitimate chance of winning. The Republicans are attacking this very fundamental agreement in the U.S. I may not max out my $2,000 for giving, but I know that the Dean campaign has raised a lot of money from small givers, so I'm happy to do my part.

Small that it is.


Current Music: Broadcast - Ha Ha Sounds

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