::shakes head::
02 September 2003 12:13 A.M.
I saw something pretty funny on cable today. I think it was on CNN, they had former Sec. of Labor Robert Reich and some Republican guy. They were talking about the Bush tax cuts and if they created jobs, and the Republican guy said, "the tax cuts made business lay off fewer people than they would have otherwise." Granted, this is a legitimate point, hell, it might even be true. The thing is, the administration sold the tax cuts as there to create jobs and stimulate the economy, not a "finger-in-the-dike" solution. Besides, the time that Bush has been in office has seen the US economy experience a net job loss. The last administration (and I think the only one this century) to have such an honor was the Hoover administration, during the Great Depression.

Ahhh, nothing like a jobless recovery to help your reelection bid.


Current Music: The Postal Service - Sleeping In

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