29 May 2003 1:03 P.M.
from the New York Times

Tax Law Omits Child Credit in Low-Income Brackets


WASHINGTON, May 28 � A last-minute revision by House and Senate leaders in the tax bill that President Bush signed today will prevent millions of minimum-wage families from receiving the increased child credit that is in the measure, say Congressional officials and outside groups.

Most taxpayers will receive a $400-a-child check in the mail this summer as a result of the law, which raises the child tax credit, to $1,000 from $600. It had been clear from the beginning that the wealthiest families would not receive the credit, which is intended to phase out at high incomes.

But after studying the bill approved on Friday, liberal and child advocacy groups discovered that a different group of families would also not benefit from the $400 increase � families who make just above the minimum wage.

Because of the formula for calculating the credit, most families with incomes from $10,500 to $26,625 will not benefit. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a liberal group, says those families include 11.9 million children, or one of every six children under 17.


Holy shit! I can't really add anything to this. The madness of King George indeed.


Oh, and how's this for juxtaposition, on the NYTimes web page, these two headlines are right next to each other: .

"Utah Officials Look for Firing Squad" "Judge Issues Sniper Case Gag Order" .

Not to make light of those people in the DC area that were murdered by the sniper, but this is one of those things where you have to laugh or you'll cry. I guess the state does jealously guard it's monopoly on the legitimate use of force.


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