In German, San Diego means whale vagina
23 July 2004 9:24 A.M.
So, my entry yesterday was rather cryptic. I had a frustrating day due to MBA, the girl from Friendster that I mentioned on Wednesday. She and her roommate actually live in LA, but have jobs that require them to be in San Diego for much of the week. From her Friendster profile it wasn't clear if she was only looking to make friends with other liberal people in SD (which her profile said) or if she had any interest in me. I figured it was the former, rather than the latter, as girls never come on to me, in real life or on line. M. was the last one, and that's almost two years ago at this point. Plus, this girl is super cute, like too good looking to be interested in me. Drinks at Nunu's didn't do much to clear things up, except that she was really cool in person, even better looking than her photos, and that we got along rather well.

So, yesterday I was in my office on campus when she called my cell phone. I was surprised it was her, and was even more surprised when she told me that she has/had a crush on me since she'd seen my friendster profile (and I thought my photos were enough to scare people away). This, of course, was a total surprise and caught me off guard. Then she said that she'd also been seeing a guy casually in LA, but that it had gotten more serious in the two weeks since she'd first contacted me. At this point I was left sort of speechless and babbling. I mean, what do you say to that?!?! It's nice to have a really hot, smart, cool girl be in to me, esp. since it's a rare event in my life. It's just really frustrating to have it happen and then not be able to do anything about it. For now, at least.

Someday, I'll not have such shitty timing.


Current Music: The Lucksmiths - A Great Parker

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