ausslaender raus, er something
22 February 2004 5:32 P.M.
So, I read on the AP wire that Guvner Ah-nold thinks that anyone who has been a naturalized citizen of the US for 20 years or more should be allowed to become president. Indeed, Sen. Orin Hatch (R-UT)has submited legislation starting the amendment process needed to allow such a thing.

Jesus, that's just what we need, Herr Gropenfuher in the White House. As if gov of California wasn't bad enough. Sure, Reagan was an actor first, but I don't think Ah-nold will ever be considered a "great communicator" even if he could get elected.

Shit, who'd have thought that the movie Demolition Man would be so insightful in it's political analysis of Ah-nold's political aspirations. I'd have to go rent the movie again to see what their predicted amendment number was.

Wouldn't the founding fathers spin in their graves if the Republicans unloaded a double-barreled assault on the constitution with an anti-same sex marriage amendment and an ah-nold exception amendment?


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