a moments respite
15 August 2003 2:33 P.M.
Hmmm, so I haven't updated in a while. Must be the heat. My apartment is not in a prime location for breezes, plus we get baked by the afternoon sun along our long side of westward exposure. It's bad during the day, and not that much better in the evening. M. was over the other night for dinner, and I think she moved only once or twice the whole evening due to the heat. Or maybe the thai food I made was too spicy for her.

I've been in a good mood recently. The Royals remain in 1st place over the ChiSox, NFL games will soon count for real, I see Belle and Sebastian in 9 days. I am so excited.

I played disc golf on Wednesday morning with C. I haven't played in forever, after playing 3 times a week last summer, and I played like shit. That's ok, it was still a lot of fun. Plus, it was nice to be out and about in the fresh air before it got too hot.

There's lots of political stuff going on right now, but I don't have the mental energy right now to bitch about anything.

Write it down, an entry where I don't complain about anything.


Current Music: Wilco - Handshake Drugs

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