these colors don't run
04 July 2003 1:21 A.M.
So, July 4th, eh. I spent the 4th in Germany once. I had a BBQ with several other Americans, but being Germany, it was very cold, even in July. AS a result, we cooked out in jeans and sweatshirts in cold air upon which we could see our breath. Someone had sparklers. We had pie. We drank beer. It felt good to be an American at that point.

That's patriotism. I'm all for it. What I'm no for, however, is nationalism. Patriotism taken to its extreme, and harmful end. I think you can say I love my country without saying that other countries are bad. On the other hand, I think you can criticize your country and still be a patriot. In fact, I'd say it's hard to be a patriot WITHOUT being critical of government. How can we be confident in political outcomes if we never observe the policy process as well as its outcomes?

Support America, question your local Bush operative.


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