I feel sick
11 May 2003 11:18 A.M.
I don�t know why I bother to read the paper any more. Every day I see something new that the Bush Administration is doing this country that makes me physically ill. What�s almost even more galling than the actual actions is the utter disregard for the truth. For example, in today�s Washington Post there is a story about factory workers in Nebraska who will lose a day�s wages because King George needs their factory as a backdrop for a photo-op so he can push his 3rd tax cut in three years. According to the Post, George�s weekly radio address stated, �The surest way to grow this economy and create jobs is to leave more money in the hands of the people who earn it.� Too bad his tax cut won�t help the factory workers he�s displacing. Maybe they�ll help the guy who owns the factory, but not the workers.

All of this is part of his plan to cut taxes each year he�s in office. By doing a �small� cut each year, he hopes to avoid public scrutiny as radically reshapes the way the US government operates. Like the frog that will sit quietly in a pot of water and boil to death as the temperature raises slowly, so to will the American people die a slow death. If King George gets what he wants, the US government will be a shell of its former self, taxes will serve to transfer wealth from the poor, the middle class, and the upper-middle class to the wealthiest. High deficits will prevent spending on education, the environment, and other needed and important social services. At the same time, what money the government does spend will be on corporate subsidies, and �national defense,� which is a joke as his foreign policy is designed to spread plunder around to his corporate buddies like Halliburton. I hope the American people are getting what they voted for.

Oh, wait a minute.



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