Frogs and doves . . .
28 February 2003 1:48 A.M.
So, for this to be an official on-line journal, I guess there must be the requisite post on the member of the opposite/same-sex that is currently dominating my thought processes.

So, here you go.

This is somewhat silly, given that at this point, said girl is likely the ONLY person that even reads this thing, but whatever. So, I happen to have stumbled upon this wonderful girl that happens to, God knows why, be very much into me. This is both a novelty, and a surprise, but what can you do? The thing is, this girl is smart. And pretty. And funny. And has, in general, great taste in music, movies, literature, and other things that I'm a snob about. I've always said that I needed to have my own sit-com; cause I see these TV shows where these unattractive guys are married (in TV land) to these really attractive women. I guess I should look around for cameras, at this point, just to make sure this isn't some cruel joke.

So, at this point, I'm not really sure what to write. My only real complaint is that I don't get to see as much of this girl as I want. She's super busy, and works a lot; so I know that what little free time she has is precious. I'm just selfish, and want to maximize the amount of time I spend with her. In the meantime . . . I guess just keep the rock alive.


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